
Is a house ever really finished?

So, I've obviously taken a very long break from this blog. I didn't really want to post every time I got a new lamp or moved the couch to the other side of the room, so there hasn't really been much to report.
But! This summer there has been action! Gardens, flower boxes, a shed and a new front walkway! Yay!

I can't even remember what the old walkway looked like, and I can't find the pictures, so here is the new one! (I have to admit, we finished this last fall. I just didn't tell anyone.)

Then this spring, I built a flower box to hide the hole we created.

I then worked on our gardens for what felt like FOREVER! We have a very late start to the summer here, and we even had frost last week! This meant I had a while to get the beds prepared, which was good because it was super hard work. We actually used the sod that we cut out of the beds to patch up the front lawn, so it was about twice as much work as it should have been. But it was worth it, here are our new, expanded gardens!

Peppers, onions, garlic, chives:

Tomatoes (these were the only things that really grew last year, I'm hoping for another bounty!):

Broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, snap peas, spinach:
I'm a big fan of the square foot gardening method. Not only is it easier, but everything lines up in little boxes, just like I like it. It's as though my garden is a giant Excel spreadsheet :)

I'm going to give the shed its own post, it's just that monumental!

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